Your favourite music, a new book or magazine, the perfect cup of tea in a china tea cup, a phone-call to an old friend – these are all such simple things, yet they can give us so much pleasure. We all seem to live such busy lives these days, but taking time out for ourselves is so important. Here are a few ways I like to nourish body and soul.
Eat wholesome
There is little point in treating the outside well if we neglect the inside. I don’t fancy salads at this time of year, but warming soups, stews, chili and curries are great for giving you a real boost of veggies. Why not make some big batches of food, so that you can have healthy leftovers, or homemade freezer meals when you don’t have time to cook? Vegetable chili is perfect for freezing for example, and can be eaten with rice, potatoes or tortilla wraps.
Get outdoors
Fresh air is so important, don’t you think? You can’t beat a walk through nature for clearing your mind and refreshing your spirits. I love to head to the beach, the forest, a lake or just the park, ideally with a flask of tea or hot chocolate.
Time for some treatments
Fancy a face pack? Or how about a hair mask? Why not indulge in a full DIY facial? Whatever treatments you choose, try to give yourself time to enjoy them. Sit back and listen to some music while they work, rather than scrolling through Facebook or scrubbing the bathroom tiles.
A good soak
Now I know that not everyone enjoys relaxing in the bath, but I do think it’s one of life’s little pleasures. Add a few drops of essential oils, and lock the door. Bliss.
DIY beauty
It’s amazing how a glimpse of bright polish on your toes can give you an instant pick-me-up, even if no one gets to see them but you. Check out my guides for the perfect home pedicure and manicure.
What do you like to do if you find yourself with a spare half an hour? I’d love to hear your ideas. Tweet me @NaryndaSkincare